This past weekend God allowed us to have four days together at an AirBnB on Vancouver Island. It was a precious time filled with moments where we could cry and laugh, sing and pray, and just share together in the time we have left with our dear son and brother.
Markus continues his turn towards heavenly glory and much of his time is spent resting as even the smallest amount of physical activity requires energy that he no longer has. We are thankful for the medication to alleviate the suffering, while still allowing him to enjoy conversation with us, even if it’s only listening.
Last Thursday we took Markus to BC Children’s for a chest X-ray and it showed that his left lung was full of fluid. This not only caused discomfort, but it was forcing his right lung to do all the work. That same afternoon the doctors were able to drain about two litres of fluid which eased his discomfort considerably. While on Vancouver Island the same feelings began to return so as the rest of us made our way home Jennifer took him back to Children’s where they scanned his chest, only to find that the left lung was about 60% full again. Tomorrow he is scheduled to have a permanent port put in that will allow the lung to drain constantly.
Family vacations are special times where beautiful memories can be made. We don’t know how much time we have left with Markus but we praise the Lord for the time we could cherish with him this past weekend.
The psalmist Asaph says in Psalm 77, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.” Making memories with Markus is special, but it is not where we will find ultimate hope and comfort. For that we look to the wonderful works of God and his mighty deeds of salvation in Jesus. Please pray that we hold on to that comfort through the final stages of this journey.