It’s been a roller coaster of a couple weeks. After the medical staff identified what type of bacteria was causing the infection in Markus’ blood, they were able to put him on an oral dose of antibiotics and we could come home already this past Monday, much earlier then expected. We’ve been back to the hospital once this week to have the PICC line inserted, and that went smoothly. Today Markus heads back to BC Children’s for the last scheduled round of chemo treatment.
As you can see from the pictures below, the hospital is now allowing family members to visit. What a blessing, and a great distraction for Markus! When he was receiving treatment for the infection he was even able to come down to the lobby a few times to visit with his friends.
For those of you who pray, we have some requests:
- This week Markus will receive an MRI and a CT scan. This is mostly for the surgical team as they put together the plan for surgery on his liver, but they will also show how well the chemo has continued to work. Please pray that all the tumors are still shrinking or gone altogether.
- Please pray for the radiology team as they put together the radiation plan for Markus. The radiation will likely start a few weeks after chemo is completed.
- Markus has a PET scan scheduled for next week Wednesday. Please pray that this too shows favourable results – a complete elimination of the cancer from Markus’ body.
- Please pray that no matter what the results are, we can accept this from the Lord and know that he will give us the strength to endure, come what may.
“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)