The first cycle of chemotherapy is complete, and we are blessed to be able to be going home for the weekend. Markus is responding well and aside from headaches and some nausea he has not experienced any adverse affects. And the pain from the tumours is already considerable less. Praise the Lord for that! The nurses, doctors and staff here at Children’s have done a great job teaching us how to look after Markus so that when we’re home between treatments we are prepared to care for him.
We have never been able to spend this much time together with our son and for that we are thankful. We laugh, pray, and learn together (and watch Canucks games ). Through it all there is a growing acceptance that this is from the Lord and He will sustain us. The notes of encouragement come in all forms of communication and they are welcomed and such a blessing to us! Your prayers are powerful, and we feel God’s nearness because of them. There is a calm that we have, and we can only attribute it to the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We gaze out the window, take little walks here in the oncology ward, and reflect on God’s goodness.
The generosity we are experiencing is so appreciated. We had a room at the Ronald McDonald House which allowed both Jennifer and I to be here for the duration of this first cycle. We have been given an abundance of food, and when that runs out, we have a selection of gift cards to choose from. Thank you!
We are looking forward to spending a few days together at home with our family before the next cycle begins.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Isaiah 46:10)